Signed in as:
If you are reading this, you are at that pivotal moment in the beginning of the movie, just before the main character crosses a threshold into a special world. Soon you will realize, if you haven’t already, that your everyday reality is more magical than it may seem, and that you are already playing a part within a much bigger plot of what we call the Great Love Story...
To enter the extraordinary world here at Robes of Light, one must start by seeing what Story really is.
When we learned about story in grade school, we may have seen a basic plot diagram that showed a beginning, middle, and ending, with a conflict, a climax, and a resolution. What we may not have been taught is that a story is actually a circle.
This is what Joseph Campbell’s heroic journey map shows us: the lead character, after crossing the threshold into an extraordinary world, ultimately faces their fears (i.e., accepts what they once feared or suppressed about themselves) and returns back to their ordinary world again, except they are now fundamentally changed from their lived experience. They carry within them an elixir, an essential power and new perspective, that they then can share with their community—that is, until they are called forth to take a new leap of faith and set out again.
The heroic journey not only describes the lives of fictional characters but speaks unconsciously to the very mechanics of our own psycho-spiritual growth, our own soul’s journey towards a sense of wholeness. At the heart of it, the heroic journey is a way for God (or Love) to know its Self through its identification and experience as you, through your unique soul consciousness. Our heroic journey is the Great Love Story of each souls’ journey home to God, back to its Self, an unfolding creative act of Love on Love’s behalf.
On our own heroic journeys, in our everyday lives, we may recognize each external challenge as an opportunity to realize a greater truth about ourselves, a Love Lesson we came here to learn and evolve from into a more authentic, powerful, and compassionate version of who we really are at heart.
While the cultural image of a hero may look like a knight slaying a dragon, a figure in a cape fighting villains, or a soldier going into battle, the type of heroism we need at this time is spiritual heroism, as described by Shunyamurti:
“[Spiritual heroism is] not the kind that does martial combat on the physical level but the fearlessness of remaining totally vulnerable and open in a state of Divine Love, completely free of anger, completely free of aggression, completely free of the desire for vengeance, or retaliation, or for any kind of egocentric sense of right, or of power to dominate. All of that has to be released so that the purity of Divine Consciousness fills the heart and enables us to live in a state where we can be givers of peace.” This is the heroic undertaking of becoming a Divine Human.
What is perhaps even more remarkable is that this heroic journey not only describes an individual soul’s path to self-realization, but actually speaks to humanity’s journey of spiritual evolution, or the collective evolution of consciousness. Looking at the cycle of the yugas described in Sri Yukteswar’s Holy Science, we see how humanity has been on an epic 24,000 year heroic journey as our solar system once traveled away from and now is headed back towards the Great Central Sun, the seat of our connection to Source (God) energy within our universe.
The farthest point away from this spiritual center was ~500 A.D. during Kali Yuga, a Dark Age when human consciousness was largely ignorant of spiritual truths and believed material creation was the only real substance.
Since 1700 humanity has been in Dwarpara Yuga or the Energy Age, a time when technology is booming and people are recognizing the relationship between consciousness and external existence; a time when people have more self-will, but are largely self-interested.
The promise of the next phase, Treta Yuga or the Mental Age, in 4100 is a time of collective higher perception, including mental abilities such as telepathy, as we all recognize that we are interconnected, that at the level of consciousness humanity is one. This is when most people on the planet will be heart-centered, peace-loving, and compassionate.
Sri Yuktestwar describes how this collective evolution of consciousness is evident in us individually through the stages of purification of the heart, as we gradually manifest more spiritual light and become unified with Father-Mother God. We cast off the trappings of our limited minds and bodies in exchange for our divine robes of light.
While we are living in the Energy Age collectively, we can each hasten our personal evolution of consciousness through sincere spiritual practice—even in the dark ages there were mystics and sages. Ancient wisdom traditions around the world have passed down teachings to help show us the Way. Modern postmaterialist scientists are only beginning to evidence the truths our ancestors understood and lived every day, such as the power of prayer and meditation. Today, particularly in the West, we are called to reconnect our outer reality to our inner quest and to exemplify a new way of being that is heart-centered, creative, and harmonious.
This is where we come in: we have been inspired to synchronize our lives with the movement of our Sun to support our evolution of consciousness as we each seek God in our own way. To this end, we consciously engage with the heroic journey every year through living out an annual Solar Story.
Every equinox and solstice we broadcast a live show where we align with the Great Central Sun, connecting to God/Source energy, and then transmit the energies of the upcoming season through symbols and messages we receive using an oracle card spread. We then anchor the supporting frequency, or Love’s Vibration, into a 12D crystalline grid for our members with a blessing for the season.
Throughout the season, we pay attention and witness the unfolding of this high-level consciousness attractor pattern in our everyday lives, experienced intimately as greater synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, leading us towards our unique soul’s destiny.
Joining the crystalline grid does not do all the inner spiritual work for you, but we believe that the group energy field we create supports our individual and collective empowerment. Through the heart-link of our network, we find encouragement to engage in deep self-inquiry, hone our intuition, practice compassion, and take leaps of faith.
We begin to experience a lightness of being while also feeling more rooted on the Earth. we become centered in our hearts and aligned with the Great Central Sun, which translates to a clearer sense of Self, more profound relationships with others and the natural world, deeper insight, heightened creativity, greater peace of mind, and a whole lot more fun.