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In this article we’ll break down why and how we work with our crystal grid.
Every equinox and solstice we activate a crystal grid to support the highest unfoldment of our personal and collective evolution of consciousness. Our crystal grid combines the power of oracle cards, sacred geometry, healing stones, and intention in order to create a unified energetic field that anchors and amplifies our collective unfoldment, bridging the highest and lowest dimensions so that we may live heaven on earth, here and Now.
We deliberately work season-by-season as a way to re-pattern our lives in rhythm with our life-giving Sun, as our indigenous ancestors once understood and practiced earth-based wisdom. Every solar year offers a cycle of spiritual growth as we consciously undertake a heroic journey. Our intention is to align our souls, or our inner suns/solar hearts, with our planetary Sun, which is our immediate deva (Sanskrit for “shining one” or divine being), with the Great Central Sun (More here: “Backstory: Welcome to the Great Love Story”).
The crystal grid helps us anchor into the Love vibration—and while this may sound entirely mystical and wholly unscientific, we can contextualize this with an understanding of consciousness.
In his seminal work Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins gives a map of consciousness; each level represents a lesser or more powerful energy field with its related emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. There are two key thresholds of consciousness to note: Courage, the demarcation between force and power at level 200, and the transcendence of Reason to Love at level 500.
To further understand how the grid affects us in our everyday lives, we can look at nonlinear dynamics of causality. Hawkins describes how the traditional worldview of causality in the external world is linear, i.e., we perceive that events in our lives unfold such that A causes B which causes C (A → B → C).
However, Hawkins explains how what we observe in the 3D world is actually the material/manifested unfoldment of an attractor pattern that exists in a non-observable/unmanifested energy field, so calibrating to the attractor pattern “ABC” results in what we experience outwardly as A → B → C. Hawkins describes how this nonlinear phenomenon explains the mechanics of creativity: “Inspiration arises in the mind of the creator as a concept, then activates emergence in the visible, material world in a sequence.”
Translation: by aligning to more powerful attractor patterns such as the energy field of our crystal grid, we may alter the quality of thoughts we access/receive and the very trajectory of our lives.
Nonlinear dynamics also explain what Dr. Carl Jung described as synchronicity, when there is a the connection between two or more events in the mind of an observer (a.k.a. a meaningful coincidence). A few examples of synchronicity might include seeing repeating numbers on license plates or clocks, getting a text or call from someone you were just thinking about, or hearing a song in your head and then hearing it on the radio. When you connect to the powerful attractor pattern of our crystal grid, you may begin to experience more and more synchronicities as if your life is led by divine timing: “As one’s consciousness advances into the high 500s, everything begins to happen by synchronicity, and the events of life unfold in perfect order and harmony with precise timing” (Hawkins, p. 360).
Translation: life may start to feel more magical, creative, and fun. 😊
On the day of the equinox or solstice, Cassidy and Susan broadcast a live webinar show to transmit the energies and guidance for the upcoming season. Before the broadcast goes live, they create a sacred container to anchor the space, both physically and virtually, in a high level of consciousness for the purity and protection of the transmission. During the event they use oracle cards as an engaging way to connect to the Akashic Records and intuitively translate messages from the Source Field that will support everyone’s highest good along their journey of embodying greater Love. Throughout the season, grid members can return to these messages for inspiration and encouragement; often people experience very personal synchronicities in their mundane lives that directly relate to the symbols that show up in the cards.
Note: Cassidy and Susan are not soothsayers trying to foresee the future and guarantee life results, nor mediums connecting with disembodied astral spirits; they are more like modern priestesses, servants of Father-Mother God dedicated to spiritual healing.
Sacred geometry is recognized as the architecture of the universe, the mathematical patterning found in the natural world and in ourselves. We use a grid based on the Reuche God Seed and Krystal Spiral/12D Tree of Life, a precise geometric pattern that carries a template for manifestation that connects directly to Source, or Father-Mother God. Each card in our seasonal card spread relates to a specific position on the geometric grid.
Crystals are highly structured material forms of condensed light patterned with an inherent vibratory frequency which are incredibly useful. Modern electronics we employ every day, from cars to phones and washing machines, rely on quartz crystals that vibrate at a reliable, stable rate when pressurized. Ancient cultures around the world have understood and harnessed the abilities of crystals to amplify intention and heal mind, body, and soul. Perhaps most fascinating is that each stone is a living mineral with a life force energy and intelligence of its own:
"Looking back, I wonder how much would have been different if someone had told me the wider truth of why stones are so interesting— that they are alive. That their consciousness is, in fact, even more ancient than the whales. I wonder what would have changed, if I had known then that stones were actually medicine that could help you connect into the part of yourself that chose to come here. And that it wasn’t so much about mineral composition as how stones made you feel."
”Why I Didn’t ‘Get’ Crystals at First” by Asia Suler
When we set our crystal grid, we use a variety of crystals, pairing three stones with each card position in our seasonal spread. Each stone is programmed with a specific energetic task, often based on its inherent metaphysical properties, which supports our collective intention.
Often people employ crystal grids towards manifesting a specific material outcome they desire. Rather than make up a goal, our seasonal intention is inspired by the energetic themes that appear during the card transmission. After the live show ends, Cassidy and Susan draft our intention in the form of a poem which serves as an energetic blessing to support our group for the months ahead. The intention is always written in service to the highest good of all with deference to Father-Mother God. Cassidy then handwrites a page with the blessing on one side and the names of all those connected to the grid on the other side. This page gets folded and placed underneath the the crystal grid at the center, anchoring us into the energy field/attractor pattern.
Community Spirit
Robes of Light Founding Principles